Photos Angelie Ariola

Angelie A. Ariola Nature and Me


I love being in nature. It's where I feel most connected to myself, to the world, and to something much larger than myself. It's a reminder that we're all part of something bigger, something extraordinary.

Angelie A. Ariola Music and Art


Music and art are like threads woven together, creating a tapestry of my life. They connect me to others, to the world, and to a sense of deeper meaning.

Angelie A. Ariola Pixels and Petals


In this photo, captured in a flurry of pixels and petals, I'm standing amidst the vibrant energy of a special event. The backdrop shimmers with a golden glow, while the stage is adorned with delicate floral arrangements. The air is alive with excitement, and I'm caught in the moment, a single point of focus amidst a sea of faces. The camera captures me in a candid pose, a smile playing on my lips, and a hint of playful mischief in my eyes.